Behind the Veil Oral History Project
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last edited
by Victor Jones 14 years ago
The Behind the Veil Oral History Project (ms#16) contains tape summaries, interviewee information, and tapes (only) of the following interviews:
Adams, Eva (tape only)
Attmore, Arlestus (tape only)
Barrett, Mamie
Becton-Fleming, Velma
Bell, Emma
Best, Hayward
Bland, Carolyn
Bland, James
Booker, Wallace
Boyd, Aaron
Brown, Alfreda
Bryan, Samuel
Bryant, Arabelle
Campbell, Emeler
Campbell, Sarah
Carter, Dorcas
Clemmons, Ernestine
Collins, Alfreda
Daniels, Dolletha
Davis, Rebecca
Dent, Mary
Donaldson, Annie
Downing, Myrtle
Dudley, Lucy
Dunson, Helen
Evans, Narcissus
Forbes, Rowena
Gavin, Annie
Grantham, Rosa
Harding, James
Harris, Clayton
Hayes, James
Hickman, WIllie
Jones, Frances
Joyner, Luvenia
Kelsey, Christine
League, Mary
Lewis, James
Lewis, Rosetta
Lewis, Ruth
McCoy, Lucinda (tape missing)
Moore, Catherine
Moore, George
Morgan, Leander
Moye, John
Payne, Velma
Perry, Mary
Pickens, Lucille
Roberts, Mary
Ryder, Naomi
Simmons, Ruth
Spicer, Bessie
Stone, Mary
Strong, Andrew
Sutton, Georgia
Wade, Harriet
White, Mary
Whitfield, Emma
Williams, Janie
Wordlaw, Clarita
The original project was conducted by Duke University, which has a web site dedicated to the entire Behind the Veil: Documenting African American Life in the Jim Crow South project.
Behind the Veil Oral History Project
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